Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

Preparing for the 2023-2024 season

Preventing a biosecurity infestation

From September through April each year, Australia and New Zealand importers may need to increase vigilance against the brown marmorated stink bug, a pest that has severely affected agriculture in the northern hemisphere.

Throughout the high-risk months, regulations require many goods imported from the northern hemisphere to be heat treated or fumigated to prevent a local infestation. Without proper planning and preparation, these added regulations can cause unwanted risks and delays.

With help from our global network of experts, we can help to familiarise you with necessary requirements and create a plan that minimises supply chain disruptions.

What is the brown marmorated stink bug?

  • Feeds on more than 300 plant species
  • Invades vehicles, homes and factories
  • Secretes a smelly, aeroallergen chemical
  • Can cause a burning sensation on skin

Addressing the risk of infestation

Stink bug protection measures

Seasonally, regulations are added on imported goods from 38 high risk countries and various commodity types to help manage risk. These measures apply to goods delivered from origin after 1 September that arrive in Australia and New Zealand by 30 April.

Any target risk goods manufactured in, or delivered from, a target risk country are subject to seasonal stink bug measures. In addition, any products delivered on a vessel that tranships or loads goods from these countries are also subject to heightened surveillance.

Treatment options

  • Heat treatment
  • Methyl bromide fumigation
  • Sulfuryl fluoride fumigation

Prevent the spread of the brown marmorated stink bug

Use these guides to prepare your supply chain for the high-risk stink bug season.

  • Information you need about the pests’ spread
  • Explanation about the effect on agriculture and business
  • In-depth details about importing goods during the high-risk season
  • Both Australia and New Zealand version of the guides available

Brown marmorated stink bug

Understand more about the brown marmorated stink bug

Find more information in the blog to learn everything you need to know about this high-risk season.

Contact C.H. Robinson. We’re here to help.

Get answers to your questions about brown marmorated stink bug season.