Our Company

Who we are

Founded in 1905, C.H. Robinson is one of the world's largest third party logistics (3PL) providers, with 2015 gross revenues of $13.5 billion. We provide freight transportation and logistics, outsource solutions, produce sourcing, and information services to 110,000 customers through a network of offices in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. To meet our customers' freight needs, we provide access to 68,000 transportation providers worldwide, including contract motor carriers, railroads, air freight carriers, and ocean carriers. With the service and dedication of 13,159 employees, our performance-driven culture, and our proven track record of success, we've built a strong reputation as an industry leader.

While our tradition of leadership began with our produce and truckload services, we've evolved into an industry-leading 3PL with a comprehensive portfolio of sourcing, transportation, and logistics services. The ongoing challenges of the supply chain industry inspire us to innovate and search for new ideas that challenge limits and extend Beyond Brokerage. Our customers, contract carriers, and suppliers are the beneficiaries of this forward-thinking approach, because we believe they deserve nothing but the best from their 3PL. We are not content to simply meet their expectations—we are committed to exceeding them every single day.

View our company Fact Sheet
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Robinson Fresh Logo

Robinson Fresh®

Robinson Fresh 提供全系列优质水果和蔬菜,同时还提供新鲜农产品供应链解决方案,从客户洞察力和营销支持,从品类到库存和冷链管理,帮助零售商、餐馆、种植者和餐饮服务公司满足消费者对新鲜食品的需求。

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TMC 是 C.H. Robinson 的一个部门

凭借全球 TMS 技术和咨询专业知识,TMC 可为托运人提供超越全球供应链可见性的能力和预测洞察力,帮助企业更快地适应、优化和发展。

Freightquote Logo

Freightquote 是一种人才和技术的杀手级组合,提供完整的供应链专家团队和在线自助服务工具,可在卡车零担、整车运输和多式联运服务领域实现具有竞争力的费率。

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Freightview 的在线 TMS 工具通过简化与直接承运商的关系以及报价、预订、跟踪和报告流程,重新定义了中小型企业的货运方式。


快速变化正在影响世界各地的物流。创新的解决方案和灵活、适应性强的供应链可以帮助您在市场变化时保持竞争力。Accelerate Your Advantage® 是我们的承诺,即专注于改善您的供应链,帮助您超越客户期望、发展您的业务并超越竞争对手。